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5. Jason and the Argonauts
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Greek Mythology maps
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The expedition of the Argonauts map
Mythological map of the Expedition of the Argonauts
To find the geographical location of a place or scene in the list below, simply press on the name and a floating window will appear.
- List of places
- Argonauts' tasks
Aea, Aegean Sea, Aetna, Asia Minor, Atlas, Bithynia, Caucasus, Circe’s island (Aeaea)*, Cnossus, Colchis, Crete, Crius (Kios), Cyprus, Cyzicus, Dacia, Delphi, Epirus, Etruria, Euxine Sea, Galatia, Hesperia*, Imbros, Iolcus, Ionia, Island of the Sirens*, Istrus (Danube), Land of the Amazons, Lemnos, Libya, Ligyria, Mariandene, Media, Mycenae, Mysia, Olympus, Paphlagonia, Parnassus, Peloponnese, Phaeacians’ Island*, Phasis, Pontus, Rhône, Salmydessus, Scythia, Sicily (Thrinacia), Sinope, Tauris, The Garden of the Hesperides*, Thessaly, Thrace, Tomi, Tritonis Lake*, Troad, Troy, Tyrrhenian Sea
* Locations marked with an asterisk* are mythical
1. The women of Lemnos | 2. On the island of Imbros - The Argonauts learn of the Hellespont and Laomedon, king of Troy | 3. The passage through the Hellespont, guarded by Laomedon's fleet | 4. The Dolionians - The death of Cyzicus | 5. The rowing contest | 6. The loss of Hylas, Heracles and Polyphemus | 7. Bebrycans - The boxing match between Amycus and Polydeuces | 8. Phineus and the Harpies | 9. The Symplegades Rocks | 10. King Lycus - The death of Idmon | 11. Deilion, Autolycus and Phlogius | 12. The Stymphalian birds - The meeting with Phrixus’ sons | 13. The meeting with Aeëtes - Medea - The golden fleece | 14. Apsyrtus meets a hideous fate - The wrath of the gods | 15. The battle with the Cynocephali | 16. The passage through the mountains | 17. On Circe’s island | 18. The island of the Sirens - Butes and Aphrodite | 19. Between Scylla and Charybdis - Thetis lends her aid | 20. The Argonauts at the mercy of the wind | 21. On the island of the Phaeacians - The wedding of Jason and Media | 22. A gale drives the Argonauts to Africa | 23. The meeting with the nymphs | 24. In the desert with the Argo on their shoulders | 25. At the end of the world - the Hesperides | 26. Triton lends his aid | 27. The encounter with the bronze giant - The death of Talos | 28. At the Black Rocks - Anaphe | 29. Calliste (Santorini) - Euphemus’ reward | 30. Iolcus - The beginning and end of the voyage
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